
Söylemin Hâlleri is a podcast series hosted by Yasemin Korkmaz, featuring expert guests working in the fields of hate speech, discriminatory discourse, disinformation, artificial intelligence and digital activism. Produced by the Hrant Dink Foundation, the podcast series seek to raise awareness about discourse studies and contribute to building an inclusive discourse in the digital space. Episodes are available on all music streaming platforms.

Episodes in our podcast series:

1. Bölüm: Kriz Dönemlerinde Dezenformasyonla Mücadele

Guest: Kerem Altıparmak

In the first episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we discussed with our guest lawyer Kerem Altıparmak the disinformation law, its legal scope as well as its consequences particularly in the aftermath of the February 6 earthquakes. We talked about the implications of access restrictions, which are put in place to prevent disinformation in times of crises such as disasters, and elaborated on what our alternatives might be.

2. Bölüm: Seçim Sürecinde Dezenformasyon

Guest: Can Semercioğlu

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked with our guest Can Semercioğlu, the communications officer of Teyit, about the examples of disinformation encountered in the election process and the experience of the Teyit team. We evaluated the outstanding patterns in the production of false and incomplete information in relation to the role of politicians, media and social media companies. We shared verification methods that will help us identify and distinguish the examples of disinformation we encountered.

3. Bölüm: Algoritmalar ve Siyasi Kampanyalar

Guest: Handan Uslu

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked with Handan Uslu, the founder of Gözlemevi, about the political micro-targeting projects the Observatory focused on during the election period. We discussed how political advertisements reach different users with respect to the role of algorithms, and what kind of implications the political content has in the digital space. We shared our suggestions on possible actions to be taken by individuals and organizations, particularly social media companies.

4. Bölüm: Dezenformasyon ve Kutuplaşma

Guest: Suncem Koçer

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked about the relationship between disinformation and polarization with our guest Suncem Koçer, Anthropologist of Media and Communication, and the executive director of Infodemilab. We touched upon the intertwining nature of polarization and disinformation, and the importance of assessing disinformation in relation to the social context.

5. Bölüm: Nefret Söylemi ve Düşünme Hataları

Guest: Metin Bayrak

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked to our guest Metin Bayrak, an independent researcher, about how errors in thinking work and what role they play in the production of hate speech. We also shared model questions that can be used to analyze the discourse examples for identifying hate speech.

6. Bölüm: Makine Öğrenmesi ve Doğal Dil İşleme

Guest: Arzucan Özgür

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked about natural language processing with our guest Arzucan Özgür, an academic from Computer Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University. We elaborated on the areas where natural language processing is used, different methods, limitations as well as the cooperation between humans and machines.

7. Bölüm: LGBTİ+’lara Yönelik Nefret Söylemi Nasıl Üretiliyor?

Guest: Eser Selen

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked to independent researcher Eser Selen about how hate speech and discriminatory speech toward LGBTI+ are produced.  We discussed how hate speech against LGBTI+ is produced in social media and print media, especially around which topics and by what methods.

8. Bölüm: Mültecilerin Medyada Temsili

Guest: Dilan Taşdemir

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked to our guest  Dilan Taşdemir, general coordinator of the Media and Migration Association, about how discriminatory discourse against refugees is produced in the media. We discussed the topics and methods through which discriminatory discourse is produced in relation to the representations of refugees in the media.

9. Bölüm: Yapay zekâ Araçlarına Dair Hukuki Düzenlemeler

Guest: Selin Çetin

In this episode of Söylemin Hâlleri, we talked about the legal regulations on artificial intelligence tools with our guest lawyer Selin Çetin. We elaborated on the European Union’s draft artificial intelligence regulation, what is envisaged within the scope of the regulation, as well as its current limitations.